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Fat loss may be one of the most important goals you have, whether it’s to look better in your clothes or to prevent disease. However, this process can sometimes feel like an uphill battle due to the number of temptations that surround us every day. To safely achieve your weight loss goals, pay close attention to these eight tactics.

1) Reduce total carbohydrate intake

The low-carb diet is popular in the fat loss community, with good reason. A high carbohydrate intake can lead to a spike in insulin levels, which inhibits fat breakdown. This means that you are more likely to store calories as fat if you eat a lot of carbohydrates. Low-carb diets also reduce hunger, which can make it easier to stick to your plan because you aren’t constantly fighting off cravings. Finally, many people find that they feel better on a low-carb diet because they end up eating healthier foods without really trying or even realizing it.

2) Increase dietary fat intake

A high-fat diet is an effective way to increase the rate of fat loss. It also has a number of other advantages such as being more satisfying than a low-fat diet, making it easier to adhere to the diet, and decreasing hunger. Eating enough protein is important when eating a high-fat diet because protein increases metabolism, but too much protein may cause weight gain if not paired with caloric restriction.

There are some potential disadvantages of this strategy though. A high-fat diet may have adverse effects on cholesterol levels in people who are at risk for heart disease or stroke. A high-fat diet can also be difficult to achieve since many foods that contain fat (such as cheese) are typically rich in calories.

3) Increase protein intake

The first step to fat loss is increasing your protein intake. Protein is the building block of muscle, which in turn burns fat more efficiently. Make sure you are getting enough protein by including a source in each meal; this will give you the necessary amino acids to build muscle mass.
Protein powders are an easy way to get all the protein you need without having to worry about counting calories or measuring portions. Protein shakes also provide an extra boost of energy when working out, making it easier to fit fitness into your busy schedule.

Be sure that your shake contains at least 20 grams of protein per serving, as well as healthy fats like chia seeds or avocado for optimum results.

4) Do cardio (intensity matters!)

Cardio is one of the best ways to lose fat. It’s not just about how many calories you burn, but also how much time you spend at a high intensity level. Studies show that at least 20 minutes of cardio at 60-80% max heart rate is necessary to see any fat loss benefits. If you want to see results, it’s important to do your cardio in this range!

5) Get stronger and build muscle mass

Stronger muscles require more energy to maintain, leading to faster fat loss. Stronger muscles also lead to improved insulin sensitivity. Muscle mass can also be a factor in weight loss by increasing metabolism. Muscles store glycogen which fuels them during exercise, preventing your body from accessing fat stores as easily as it would if you didn’t have any muscles. Finally, muscle mass acts as insulation against extreme cold and heat when exercising outdoors.

6) Have cheat meals

One of the most common questions is whether they should eat a cheat meal while on a fat loss journey. My answer to this question has always been yes, but some caveats need to be addressed before you do so.
A cheat meal can be as simple as eating one big plate of lasagna or it can be more elaborate like spending an entire day at the pizza parlor.

The important thing is that it’s not an everyday occurrence but rather something that happens once every few weeks. One way to make sure you’re staying in line with your goals is to monitor what you eat during your cheat meal by keeping track of how many grams of carbs, fat, and protein you’ve had throughout the day.

7) Control stress

Stress is a major factor in weight loss. The stress hormone cortisol increases the amount of sugar, or glucose, your liver produces to send to your brain when you need it. When you’re under chronic stress, high levels of cortisol can cause insulin resistance, which means that your body doesn’t use insulin efficiently.

That’s just one of many ways that stress impacts fat loss. For these reasons, controlling stress is an essential tactic in any successful fat loss plan. Here are some easy ways to do so:
-Take time for yourself every day
-Get enough sleep -Practice mindfulness meditation
-Find something you enjoy doing regularly
-Find creative ways to express your feelings
-Try deep breathing exercises

8) Proper sleep hygiene

Proper sleep is essential for fat loss and can be achieved by following a few simple steps. The first step is to set a regular time to go to bed; studies have shown that those who go to bed before 10 PM are more likely to get better quality sleep, which will make them feel less sluggish the next day.

Second, create an optimal sleeping environment with a comfortable mattress, clean sheets, and minimal noise or light pollution. Third, maintain an exercise routine so that your body has enough time during the day to burn off any excess energy.

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